Hiking, baseball and bagging groceries

Hello again! From the title of this blog, that does not include teaching, you could probably guess that the political situation has not improved too much here over the past couple of weeks. We went two whole weeks without having any classes from Monday the 4th until the 18th. Thankfully, gas prices and food prices are now more or less back to normal as most trucks coming from Managua are taking a detour in order to avoid the roadblocks. Despite this, there has still been a lot of violence in other parts of the country with several people losing their lives daily at these roadblocks that have become the sites of small battles between the national police and the people who oppose the government. Although the school is quite removed from this violence, Fray Carlos thought that it would be wise to refrain from having classes until things become a little more stable. In addition to this shortage of gas and food that we had last week, on last Thursday the group people protesting the presid...